Friday, May 30, 2008

wear sunscreen

I've been meaning to by sunscreen for a while now.
It's really unhealthy, you know. Not wearing sunscreen. I imagine the sun beaming off all of the buildings that I walk by on a daily basis contain more UV's than I'd like to think about, but this buying sunscreen thing has turned into a happy thing for me.
I forget whenever I go to the store, I make lists, but it's always the one thing that seems to evade me.
The only time I do remember is when I'm doing something that reminds me of that wear sunscreen graduation speech given by Mary Schmich.
I get in line for coffee in the morning and I ponder the delicious goodness of one of those cheese danishes... or maybe even the triple gazed chocolate donut and I remember... "You're never as fat as you think you are... wear sunscreen".
Then later in the day when my boss annoys me and I want a new job... "Don't feel guilty about not knowing what you want to do with your life... wear sunscreen."
And sometimes when I cross the street and I know I shouldn't... "Do something that scares you everyday.... and wear sunscreen."
I'm beginning to wonder if G-d actually wants me to wear it of if he just enjoys reminding me about buying it and the lessons that go along with.
Regardless, I'm sure I'll have to get some at some point, but I hope the reminders never stop coming.
Or... maybe I'll just settle on tanning oil.